Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Selling my collection of clamps for 50 cents on the dollar. 3/4" pipe clamps $7.00 ea, deep reach pipe clamps $10.00ea
8"C clamps $9.00 ea, Irvin Quick clamps $15,00 ea. All are serviceable. IMG_1455.JPG

 Dale Hamilton at 615 556 5378. I'm at 162 Compton rd just across from the VA hospital

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

May meeting

 Meeting today at St. Marks Methodist church at 6:30pm 5/24/2022

Tonight's Presenter is:

 Shelia Collins   Making Segmented Pen Blanks

Shelia's favorites are woodturning and box making. Taking raw logs or scraps of lumber and watching a bowl or finished box emerge is like opening a Christmas present every day. I also do custom work out of my shop that can range from furniture, to remaking a lost final for something that grandpa made to repairing a dog chewed hope chest. I teach Carving, Box Making, Scroll Saw, Woodburning and Woodturning classes at Woodcraft in Franklin

Thursday, May 19, 2022


Alf Sharp has sold the entire stock of Stones River Hardwoods to Alan 
Daigre. Alan is having a huge liquidation sale on furniture grade hardwoods 
in Woodbury Tennessee, June 3 - 5. Big on discounts on walnut, cherry, oak, 
and other woods.
Alf Sharp |
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