Wednesday, February 12, 2025

January 2025 meeting

Meeting Minutes from the Secretary Gregg Peay:

Stones River Woodworkers Club

Monthly Meeting Minutes – January 28, 2025

Attendance: 43, (including the guest speaker)

Guest Speaker: Gabriel McKeagney

Subject: His career as an accomplished artist and craftsman

·         Meeting called to order at 6:33 PM by club president, Sam Clark

·         Welcome to everyone, Pledge of Allegiance

·         Recognition of visitors:

o   Steve Hickok

o   DJ Rosebaugh

o   Anthony Watts

o   Jamie McGill

·         Treasurer Larry Counts reports that there are several new members present, including some of the visitors.

·         Dues for 2025 are due and payable to Club Treasurer, Larry Counts, via check, cash or Paypal.

o   Paid members are eligible for a discount at Rockler and Klingspor

o   Dues are still only $25 per year, and cover the member and his immediate family.

·         Sam passed around a sign-up sheet and asked members to create a wish list of classes that they would like to see offered outside of our normal meeting schedule.

·         A second sign-up sheet was passed around to list requests for monthly meeting topics.

·         The club has had SRWC business cards printed.  The box was passed around and each member was encouraged to take a few and hand them out to fellow woodworkers that they meet or know, and encourage them to join us at our next meeting.

·         Mike Warren leads the Boy Scout Troop at St Marks Methodist Church.  

o   They are selling BBQ as a fundraiser for Super Bowl parties.  The Super Bowl is on Sunday, February 9th.  

o   The BBQ includes Ribs, Butts, Pulled Pork, and Smoked Hams.  

o   It can be picked up on the Saturday before the game at 9:30 am, at the church.

o    Order forms are available.

·         There are free catalogues on the table in front.

·         Sam brought a case of Delta Machinery hats and distributed them free to any member that wanted one.

·         Sam asked for all Show and Tell to come forward and present their creations.

·         After Show and Tell, Sam asked our VP, Jason Moore, to introduce the speaker for the meeting, Gabriel McKeagney.

·         Presentation notes:

o   Gabriel currently lives in Robertson County, but is originally from Northern Ireland.

o   He grew up in a craftsman family, originally building carriages.

o   Gabriel began helping in the family business since he was 4 years old.

o   He spent 3 years in London reproducing architectural doors and windows

o   He spent 6 months in New York then moved back to Ireland where he designed modern kitchens and furniture for three years.

o   He then moved to California and spent the next 30 years there doing architectural design, reproductions, and period furniture.

o   Gabriel moved to Tennessee three years ago because he fell in love with the countryside, and it’s similarity to his home in Ireland.

o   He has won numerous awards and has been recognized in several periodicals as a distinguished artist and craftsman.

o   He won the national award for best piece of furniture designed and built in 2006.

o   After moving to Tennessee, Gabriel fell in love with the rustic beauty of tobacco barns and has been designing many of his creations around the oak lumber and burned surface of that material.

o   Gabriel’s message to woodworkers is to search for and find the artistic creativity that lives in each of us individually, and to let that drive our work with passion and originality.

o   Gerald concluded his presentation with a question and answer session.

·         The meeting concluded at 7:45 PM.

Lou Ferraro - Newsletter Editor

“Woodworking is a dance between creativity and precision, where the woodworker becomes the conductor.” – unknown

February 2025 notes

Stones River Woodworkers Club Members,

This is a reminder that our meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, 25 February 2025
We will meet at St. Marks United Methodist Church in our usual room; 1267 N. Rutherford Blvd. Murfreesboro, TN.  The doors open at 6 PM
If you are bringing a woodworking item to Show & Tell, be sure to fill out a 3”X5” card with your name, item description, and email address. 
From 6 to 6:30 PM is set aside for members to check out the Show & Tell projects and ask questions of our members' Show & Tell projects. 
The meeting’s briefing will start at 6:30 PM.

From the President Sam Clark:

Good day fellow Woodies,

At our January meeting I passed around two wish lists for classes and meeting presentations, and I was informed the lists did not make it to the other side of the room.  At the February meeting we will resend the lists.  Requests on the January lists included help setting up and running CNC equipment.  This may be of interest to our CNC members.  There is a FREE CNC users group meeting at the Franklin Woodcraft the 1st Wednesday of each month.  The next CNC meeting is March 5th at 6pm – 8pm.  You can also keep up with the Nashville CNC User’s Group at

Currently, approximately 60% of our members have paid their 2025 dues.  If you are unsure about your dues status, please check with Club Treasurer Larry Counts at the meeting.  I will be submitting our current membership list to Rockler and Klingspour for our 10% discount after our next meeting.  

I hope to see you at our Feb 25th meeting.  Until then continue making sawdust!

Sam Clark, President SRWC

From the Vice President Jason Moore:

Dr. Chris Barton is our presenter at this meeting. He is a retired medical researcher with 30+ years in pharmaceutical development. His future in woodworking started 58 years ago by making a bird feeder. He will be sharing a tour of his shop and some examples of past work. He will be discussing hybrid woodworking (hand and power tools combined) as well as tips and tricks learned over decades of learning the hard way.
Pictures of some of Dr. Barton’s woodwork and projects are attached below.

Monday, February 10, 2025

Membership Application


Stones River Woodworkers Club membership application

Please print legibly

Name __________________________________________

Street Address____________________________________

City________________________________  State_____________  Zip____________ 

email ______________________________ primary phone _______________________ 

secondary phone ______________________

Woodworking interests – check all that apply

__artistic – intarsia, wood burning, toll painting, etc

__ carving

__ furniture building

__misc – boxes, picture frames, plaques, cutting boards, etc

__ toy making

__ wood turning

Type of membership  ___ single      __family

Bring this form to the next meeting or mail to :

 SRWC   c/o  Larry Counts

 3115 Field Rd



Dues are $25 per year per household

Make check payable to SRWC