Monday, December 23, 2024


 Stones RiveStones River Woodworkers Club Members,

2024 was a very active year for our Club. President Sam Clark led us in a very productive year. VP Gregg Peay found great presenters to share their expertise with us. Many Club members graciously opened their shops for the tour of shops. We had several varied classes organized by our members for us to sign up for and learn more woodworking skills.

Our Executive team provided the communication needed to keep us informed and spread the word about our Club. Our Club has gained 30 members in a short period of time. A big thanks goes to the efforts of Mary Nichols and Robert Woolfolk who manage the Club’s Face book and Website. Our members who invite other woodworkers to join our ranks are recognized as well.

Dave Roesler provided Club minutes and Sheryl Meier kept us financially solid. A big thanks go to the Executive Committee and advisors, including Larry Counts and Glen Emery, who worked the extra hours to make this year successful.

We had a great Christmas Party for our Club on 14 December 2024. Everyone brought in their favorite dishes to share. All the dishes were very tasty. The Club provided the Ham, drinks, plates and utensils along with table decorations.

Several members asked for the Cabbage Casserole recipe.
The recipe comes from Pam Tyring, wife of our member Larry Tyring.
Cabbage Casserole – from the Brenda Gantt Cookbook
Main Ingredients:
1 small or ½ large cabbage
1 medium Vidalia onion
1/2 stick butter melted
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper
1 10 ounce can - cream of chicken soup
1/2 cup mayonnaise
Topping Ingredients:
1 sleeve Ritz crackers crushed
1 stick butter. Melted
1 cup grated Cheddar cheese
Chop cabbage and place in casserole dish
Add chopped onion
Pour melted butter over top
Add salt and pepper
Next, mix soup and mayonnaise and spread on top of cabbage
For topping, mix melted butter and crushed crackers and cheese. Spread on top
Place in oven at 350 degrees and bake 45 minutes or until the top is browned and inside is bubbly.

Attached below are pictures from our Christmas Party (one attachment is a Word Doc. and the other is a PDF). There are pictures of the Good Shepard Home gifts made by our SRWC Members for the children residing there, a look at some of the food tables, and our Club members in attendance.
Have a Merry Christmas.

Lou Ferraro, Newsletter Editor

Woodworking and Cooking are both art forms to be appreciated. – Lou Ferraro

r Woodworkers Club Members,

The annual Stones River Woodworkers Club Christmas party will be Saturday December Stones River Woodworkers Club Members,

The annual Stones River Woodworkers Club Christmas party will be Saturday December 14th at 5 PM at St. Mark’s Church in our regular meeting room. The Club will provide the meat and drinks, please bring a dessert or food to share. Set up will begin at 4 PM if you want to help. This is always a fun event with good food and fellowship. 

If you did not get a chance to sign the Christmas Party attendance sheet at the last meeting, please send me a quick email reply if you will attend and if you will have a family member with you. We don’t want to run out of food or drinks. Thanks.

A update note to Stones River Woodworkers Club Members. 

Each month I send out Newsletters by email to all the SRWC Members listed on our Treasurer’s membership list. To date, the Treasurer’s list has a total of 89 members listed and only 86 with email addresses. This occurs because we have several ways to become a member.  If a member signs up with a $25 Annual Fee using PayPal, there is no way to obtain a member’s email address. 

One of the benefits of our Club is to get potential discounts at local woodworking stores. This is done by sharing our member’s information with participating woodworking stores. If members do not want this benefit, they can opt out by letting me or any Club Officer know.

To make sure we have everyone’s email address and name on our official Treasurer’s roster, I would like to ask any member who does not receive the email Newsletter from me, but sees it either on the Club web site or Face Book locations, please send me an email at to let me know your email address and name. Also, let me know if you want to be included on the discount list that goes to local woodworking stores.  Thank you for your help.

Lou Ferraro, SRWC Editor

“Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.” – Warren Buffet 14th at 5 PM at St. Mark’s Church in our regular meeting room. The Club will provide the meat and drinks, please bring a dessert or food to share. Set up will begin at 4 PM if you want to help. This is always a fun event with good food and fellowship. 

If you did not get a chance to sign the Christmas Party attendance sheet at the last meeting, please send me a quick email reply if you will attend and if you will have a family member with you. We don’t want to run out of food or drinks. Thanks.

A update note to Stones River Woodworkers Club Members. 

Each month I send out Newsletters by email to all the SRWC Members listed on our Treasurer’s membership list. To date, the Treasurer’s list has a total of 89 members listed and only 86 with email addresses. This occurs because we have several ways to become a member.  If a member signs up with a $25 Annual Fee using PayPal, there is no way to obtain a member’s email address. 

One of the benefits of our Club is to get potential discounts at local woodworking stores. This is done by sharing our member’s information with participating woodworking stores. If members do not want this benefit, they can opt out by letting me or any Club Officer know.

To make sure we have everyone’s email address and name on our official Treasurer’s roster, I would like to ask any member who does not receive the email Newsletter from me, but sees it either on the Club web site or Face Book locations, please send me an email at to let me know your email address and name. Also, let me know if you want to be included on the discount list that goes to local woodworking stores.  Thank you for your help.

Lou Ferraro, SRWC Editor

“Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.” – Warren Buffet River Woodworkers Club Members,

The annual Stones River Woodworkers Club Christmas party will be Saturday December 14th at 5 PM at St. Mark’s Church in our regular meeting room. The Club will provide the meat and drinks, please bring a dessert or food to share. Set up will begin at 4 PM if you want to help. This is always a fun event with good food and fellowship. 

If you did not get a chance to sign the Christmas Party attendance sheet at the last meeting, please send me a quick email reply if you will attend and if you will have a family member with you. We don’t want to run out of food or drinks. Thanks.

A update note to Stones River Woodworkers Club Members. 

Each month I send out Newsletters by email to all the SRWC Members listed on our Treasurer’s membership list. To date, the Treasurer’s list has a total of 89 members listed and only 86 with email addresses. This occurs because we have several ways to become a member.  If a member signs up with a $25 Annual Fee using PayPal, there is no way to obtain a member’s email address. 

One of the benefits of our Club is to get potential discounts at local woodworking stores. This is done by sharing our member’s information with participating woodworking stores. If members do not want this benefit, they can opt out by letting me or any Club Officer know.

To make sure we have everyone’s email address and name on our official Treasurer’s roster, I would like to ask any member who does not receive the email Newsletter from me, but sees it either on the Club web site or Face Book locations, please send me an email at to let me know your email address and name. Also, let me know if you want to be included on the discount list that goes to local woodworking stores.  Thank you for your help.

Lou Ferraro, SRWC Editor

“Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.” – War

Thursday, November 14, 2024

Shop tour Nov 16

This is an update on the Shop tours this Saturday, 16 Nov.
For those going on the shop tour, Jeff Harvey wanted Sam to mention that since his shop tour starts around 11am, Jeff has prepared some chili for lunch.  Um, good!

Jeff’s address is: 2910 Poplar Hill Road, Watertown, TN.

See the original message for the complete Shop tour details. Have a great tour.


Lou Ferraro, Editor 

Saturday, October 19, 2024

October 2024 Meeting

 Stones River Woodworkers Club Members,

This is a note to remind you that our meeting is scheduled for next Tuesday, 22 October 2024. We will meet at St. Marks United Methodist Church in our usual room; 1267 N. Rutherford Blvd. Murfreesboro, TN.  The doors open at 6 PM. From 6 to 6:30 is set aside for checking out the Show & Tell projects and asking questions from our Show & Tell members on how they do some of their woodworking. The meeting’s briefing will start at 6:30 PM.

Message from President Sam Clark

Good day fellow Woodies,

We have finished our 1st three Saturdays of Shop Tours, and we were treated to shops of all types.   Large shops, small shops and various arrangements with a variety of configurations.  I would like to thank all those who volunteered their shops for the membership. 

The club has an event scheduled for every week from now until Thanksgiving.  There is a lot of activity in the club, so be sure and bring your calendar to the meeting this Tuesday night.

See you at the meeting,

Sam Clark, President

Vice President Gregg Peay:

John Bell, a member of our Stones River Woodworkers Club, will be our speaker this month. 

He is planning to talk about carving spoons.

Meeting Minutes from David Roesler,

Stones River Woodworkers Club Secretary

Stones River Woodworkers Meeting 9-24-24

President Sam Clark: Opened with Pledge of Allegiance, welcomed everyone, and made the following comments:

·        Sam announced upcoming shop tours of eight shops beginning on September 28, with following dates of October 5, October 12, and October 19. Reminders will be sent by Lou Ferraro!

·        Harvest days at Canonsburg is October 26, 8 AM set up and we will have a tent, bring your items you wish to sell. The club is asking a five-dollar donation if a member wants to sell their projects.

·        Upcoming classes for snow buddies and gnomes will start on October 31, November 1, November 2, November 7, eighth, and ninth. They were before slots for each day and a fee of $25 which covers lunch and product.

·        Facebook: we have 300 members!

·        Good Shepherd’s children home Glenn Emery is managing this and requests that your project be no more than $30, and your finished project is requested by the November meeting. Glenn will have your project engraved and then display the projects at our next Christmas party.

·        Christmas party: we need someone to be responsible to head this up and it will be on Friday, 13 December. The club will provide the meat and drinks, and it will be at St. Mark’s here where we have our meetings. Alex Marshall said he would organize the party!

·        Annual dues: reminder $25 covers your family for the year!

·        New officers for 2025-please step up and volunteer for the positions of Sec., vice president, president, treasurer, and newsletter editor. Those of you who volunteer for any of these positions can find position descriptions in our club bylaws plus the incumbents will mentor you and show you how to do the work of these positions so that you can be off to a good solid start.

·        Fellowship meeting at Hardee’s is the first Tuesday of every month, 9 AM

Announcements/comments: (1) Steve announced that he has wrenches that were made on a 3-D printer that are excellent for tightening the nut on a belt sander that he described and passed around a number of wrenches for free. He also said he will make more for the next meeting since it was such a hit. (2) Robert Wolf said he has access to fresh cut lumber and is free; let him know. (3) Jeanne has some green Hackberry pieces and coping saw for anyone who would like them free.

Visitors: We had four visitors tonight

Show and Tell: Photos of presenters and their projects have been photographed and will appeared in a separate email by newsletter editor Lou Ferraro.

Guest Speaker: Ken Hodges presented a very interesting life story about his woodworking endeavors and long history of creating guitars.

Respectfully Submitted by

David Roesler,

Stones River Woodworkers Club Secretary

See you at the meeting.

Lou Ferraro, Newsletter Editor

Friday, October 11, 2024

Shop Tours

 Good day fellow Woodies,

We will continue our Shop Tours this Saturday, Oct. 12th.  First shop up will be:

8am         Scott Vanzant

                324 East College St.


Important note from Scott – His shop is up a flight of stairs with no other access, it might be helpful for some less mobile members to know this ahead of time.

10am       Robert Woolfolk

                8444 Big Springs Rd.


                (take hwy 41 toward Manchester and 15 min from M'boro)

Note:  We have seen some really interesting shops on our tours ..... some really spacious others small but, all have a fascinating use of space.

Making sawdust,

Sam Clark, President SRWC

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Upcoming events

 This is a reminder that our meeting is scheduled for next Tuesday, 24 September 2024. We will meet at St. Marks United Methodist Church in our usual room; 1267 N. Rutherford Blvd. Murfreesboro, TN.  The doors open at 6 PM. From 6 to 6:30 is a good time for checking out the Show & Tell projects and asking questions from our Show & Tell members on how they do some of their woodworking. The meeting’s briefing will start at 6:30 PM.

Notes from our President, Sam Clark:

September 2024 President’s Letter

Good day fellow Woodies…..This summer has been a hot one slowing down club activities.  But rest assured we have a full schedule set for the remainder of the year!

Many of you have been asking about upcoming Shop Tours. 

Shop Tours:  Start Saturday September 28th and will run for the following (3) Saturdays (Oct 5th, 12th, and 19th).  Additional details will be announced at our Tuesday nightmeeting.  I will say that efforts have been made to ensure you see shops of all types from large spacious shops to small compact shops, all of these make excellent use of available space.   Ideas abound on how to set up your shop area for maximum use. 

Mark your calendar for Saturday Oct 26th as the club will have a booth at Canonsburg Harvest Day Festival.  Please come out and support the club and bring items to sell.  We are asking for a $5 donation to the club for those bringing items to sell in the booth.  You keep all the proceeds from anything you sell….it doesn’t get any simpler than that.  The Harvest Day Festival always has the best turnout.  Also, you are asked to help with set-up starting at 8am.

You heard the rumors of classes, and I am happy to report classes are set.  The Christmas “Snow Buddies “(miniature snow men) and “Gnome” classes had the greatest interest at prior meetings.   Tentatively, class dates are Oct 31stNov 1st and 2ndand the following week Nov 7th, 8thand 9th.  Each class is limited to (4) participants.  If we need to add another class, it will be the following week.  The class fee will be $25 to cover materials and lunch.  There will be a sign-up sheet at the meeting and if you are unable to attend this meeting the sign-up sheet will be available at the Oct. meeting.

Great news from Mary Nichols:  At last count SRWC has over 300 Facebook followers.  Great job Mary!!!


This club would not exist without the help of our volunteers.   2025 is just around the corner and our officers have served several years helping to keep the club active through COVID.  In the last (4) years our membership has almost doubled!  As 2025 nears many of our officers are ready to pass the torch.  Please consider volunteering for one of the open positions.  Current officers have volunteered to mentor interested members.  Shadowing a current officer is a great way to ease into a position.   If you would like to learn more about a particular office do not hesitate to ask the officer…. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.


There will be additional announcements at the meeting.

Making sawdust,

Sam Clark, President SRWC

This week’s presenter will be our Vice President, Gregg Peay. Gregg will be talking about Backyard Projects. This will be an interesting briefing, and you will want to take notes.

Lou Ferraro

SRWC Editor

You can fix the world when you are fixing things around your house. - Anon.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

July picnic July 27, 2024

 Good day Fellow Woodies,

Our July meeting/picnic is just a few days away and I wanted to remind you to look around your shop for anything you may like to bring to the auction.

We will not be having a speaker at this meeting. Instead, we will have an expanded Show & Tell. Please bring some of your creations to share with the group.

A final note on the picnic; the Club will furnish BBQ, drinks, and flatware. Please bring a side dish or dessert. 

I’ll see you on Saturday July 27th at 11 AM to 4 PM at St. Mark's Church. Set up will be from 11 to 12, and lunch will be served at Noon. For our new members, We will meet in our regular meeting room at St. Marks United Methodist Church; 1267 N. Rutherford Blvd. Murfreesboro, TN.

Sam Clark, President, 

Stones River Woodworkers Club

Friday, June 21, 2024

June Meeting Presentation

 Stones River Woodworkers Club Members,

Our Presenter this Tuesday, June 25th, will be Glenn Littlepage. He is a retired MTSU professor who specialized in group performance. He has been woodworking for several years and is a member of Stones River Woodworkers Club. His presentation will be on epoxy. It will cover the step-by-step processes for creating a variety of epoxy projects.

Remember, the June 25th meeting will be in a different room at St. Mark’s. We will meet upstairs in room 1203. There is an elevator to that area just as you come in the front door leading to the sanctuary. The sanctuary entry is located on the left side of the church as you enter from Rutherford Boulevard, and you should park on that side. Someone will be available to direct you.

At the meeting we will ask for Members who will be going to the Saturday July 27th Picnic for Stones River Woodworkers Club Members and families. A good count on attendees is needed so the Club can bring enough BBQ, tableware, and drinks.  You will need to bring your favorite dish or dessert.

See you Tuesday,

Lou Ferraro, Editor

“Without craftsmanship, inspiration is a mere reed shaken in the wind.” - Johannes Brahms

click link below to see Glen's epoxy notes:

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

May 2024 meeting minutes

 Stones River Woodworkers Meeting 5-28-24

Pledge of Allegiance

President Sam Clark: Welcomed everyone, and asked if we had any visitors. Three visitors were welcomed: Jason McNutt, Larry Tyring, and Jeremy Tyring.

Comments from Sam and others:

·         Next month’s meeting (June) will be in a different room here at St. Mark’s. We will meet upstairs in room 1203. There is an elevator to that area just as you come in the front door leading to the sanctuary. The sanctuary entry is located on the left side of the church as you enter from Rutherford Boulevard, and you should park on that side. Someone will be available to direct you.

·         Classes for Christmas snowmen and gnomes will occur in late July or September and a class on jigs for splines and boxes is also being planned; Gregg Peay is considering having a lawn furniture building class.

·         Shop Tours: we have five shops lined up so far

·         Our annual picnic will occur on the third or fourth Saturday in July and more information will be provided on that.

·         Jeanne Altstadt said that the scroll saw classes will occur on Friday, June 7 and Saturday, June 8 at 9:30 AM. The charge is $30. Please bring eye protection and a dust mask.

·         Mary Nichols said that her shaker classes were held on May 1st and 2nd, and 3rd and 4th.

·         Fellowship meetings at the Old Fort Parkway Hardee’s near Sam’s Club continue monthly on the first Tuesday at 9 AM. Please come and enjoy.

·         Service project for appreciation to St. Mark’s Church for allowing us to use their facilities each month: Our club plans to create and provide a 4’ x 5’ walnut stained board with decorative moldings that will then be professionally completed by a local trophy shop employed by St. Mark’s to hold 100 brass nameplates. It will hang on the wall in the foyer near the sanctuary when finished, and have a brass plate near the bottom recognizing the Stones River Woodworkers. The finished product will be impressive memorial showpiece for the church. If anyone is interested in helping, please let Sam Clark know.

·         Glen Kilgore has a friend who is selling his woodworking tools and asked us to call him if interested.

Show and Tell: Alex Marshall turned walnut bowl from a very old tree that was on the grounds at Middle Tennessee Medical Center; Mary Nichols a “hidden drawer” table and two walnut boxes; Jeanne Altstadt multi colored serving tray, and a 3-D snake, and ribbon box both made on a scroll saw; Robert Woolfolk the first of 4 large turned table legs with mortises for a commissioned table he is building; Mike Warren his third shaker box with tung oil finish; Terry Towe shaker box, turned spalted maple bowl, and 5 pens; Gordon Bell shaker tray finished with orange oil and bees wax; Barry Meier shaker tray and a ribbon adorned wood box made on the scroll saw; Mike Borgstrom a turned cherry bowl, and a graduation gift plaque with scroll saw lettering and pharmacy mortise and pestle symbol; Larry James presented an heirloom table that his father had made and discussed how the intricately inlaid wood was incorporated into the design.

All show and tell projects presented have been photographed/labeled and appeared in a separate email by newsletter editor Lou Ferraro.

Guest SpeakerMurfreesboro’s Amanda Stephenson, is the creator of the Sapphire Wood Studio where she creates a wide variety of artistic wood art and applies her professional teaching background to instruct others in the art of creative woodworking. She fashions an array of products for sale, can also be commissioned for special projects, and currently teaches her classes at Cedar Glade Brews, 906 Ridgely Rd, Murfreesboro, TN. Some of her areas of expertise include the creation of custom signs, serving trays, charcuterie boards, and so much more. Amanda displayed and discussed many of her creations with tips and tricks and some of her experiences with the chemistry of epoxy and products that work well for her.

Respectfully Submitted by

David Roesler, Secretary

Stones River Woodworkers Club