Saturday, May 20, 2023

Important Notice

 No zoom in May

Stones River Woodworkers Club Members,


Breaking news! I have learned, due to technical difficulties, zoom will not be available for this meeting.

We have used zoom effectively during COVID to great advantage. Recently, only a few have been watching the meeting by zoom. We hope the remaining "zoomers" will be able to come to the meeting in person and enjoy our fellowship. If this is not possible, I will be sending out the minutes and results of the meeting.


As usual, our meeting place is at St. Marks United Methodist Church; 1267 N. Rutherford Blvd. Murfreesboro, TN. The meeting will be Tuesday, May 23rd, at 6:00 PM for fellowship; and at 6:30 PM the meeting will begin.


We will have our Treasurer, Sheryl Meier, available for anyone who wants to pay there annual dues of $25 if not paid yet.


I hope to see you all there.


SRWC Newsletter Editor

Lou Ferraro


“There is no scrap wood, just pieces not yet used.” WGofA

Monday, January 23, 2023

December 2022 Newsletter