Sunday, June 25, 2023

June meeting

 Mark your calendars for this Tuesday's meeting.

We will meet at St. Marks United Methodist Church; 1267 N. Rutherford Blvd. Murfreesboro, TN. The meeting is on Tuesday, June 27th, at 6:00 PM for fellowship; and at 6:30 PM the meeting will begin.

Our speaker for June is Jim Zarzaca. Jim is a retired NJ police officer, who moved to Tn 6 ½ yrs ago. He has been wood turning for past 17 years.  He has worked with CNC for 5+ since joining the  Woodcraft Store.

Jim will be showing V-carve software for the CNC: some basics, what it can do, simple sign designs, etc.

Please come through the entrance we normally use and you will be redirected to room 1203.

Saturday, May 20, 2023

May 2023 newsletter


Stones River Woodworkers Club Members,




It appears summer is here and amidst all the outside yard work and honey do list I am trying to devote some time to my woodworking projects.  Seems like I always need that extra push to get started.


It is getting close to our annual July picnic, and we will again repeat the silent auction which has been so successful for the club.  We need members to look at any unused woodworking tools or finished items ( bowls, wood, etc. ) to donate to the auction.  I know I will be taking some items this year as soon as I can clear off the dust😊.  Seriously everyone has items laying around unused that others would like to add to their shop.  The date and details of the picnic will be announced when we have it available.


The Executive Committee met Tuesday and our plans are to offer an introductory  turning / bowl class this September for interested members.  We need to work out the kinks in order to put everything together.  Details will be announced at an upcoming meeting.


Making sawdust,


Sam Clark, President SRWC



From the Vice President, Gregg Peay


The speaker for our meeting in May will be Mark Watts.  Mark started making rocking chairs and other porch furniture over 40 years ago from his home in Readyville, Tennessee.  Mark, and his brother Tim, along with their father, started selling hardwood porch furniture right out of high school in 1977.  After working across the southern United States, selling at different events and sites for over 30 years, today their main account with furniture is at home in Tennessee, the Tennessee Farmers Cooperative.


At the time Mark and Tim got into the chair business, between Readyville, Woodbury and McMinville, there were 27 people or companies making chairs for sale.  Now that number is less than 5 and Mark is still going strong. In 2009, Tim added hardwood caskets to their product line, and continued to sell both chairs and hardwood caskets across the southeast.  If you've been in the local Co-op store on Middle Tennessee Blvd, you may have seen some of Mark's rocking chairs in a variety of hardwoods or cedar, and in different sizes from child-size to full-size.


One of their most popular models is shown in the image below and referred to as "The Woods Rocker", or "The Woods of Tennessee Rocker", and is constructed strictly from lumber that is native to the state of Tennessee.  Full galleries of their products can be found at Cripple Creek Caskets.

Important Notice

 No zoom in May

Stones River Woodworkers Club Members,


Breaking news! I have learned, due to technical difficulties, zoom will not be available for this meeting.

We have used zoom effectively during COVID to great advantage. Recently, only a few have been watching the meeting by zoom. We hope the remaining "zoomers" will be able to come to the meeting in person and enjoy our fellowship. If this is not possible, I will be sending out the minutes and results of the meeting.


As usual, our meeting place is at St. Marks United Methodist Church; 1267 N. Rutherford Blvd. Murfreesboro, TN. The meeting will be Tuesday, May 23rd, at 6:00 PM for fellowship; and at 6:30 PM the meeting will begin.


We will have our Treasurer, Sheryl Meier, available for anyone who wants to pay there annual dues of $25 if not paid yet.


I hope to see you all there.


SRWC Newsletter Editor

Lou Ferraro


“There is no scrap wood, just pieces not yet used.” WGofA