Friday, October 11, 2024

Shop Tours

 Good day fellow Woodies,

We will continue our Shop Tours this Saturday, Oct. 12th.  First shop up will be:

8am         Scott Vanzant

                324 East College St.


Important note from Scott – His shop is up a flight of stairs with no other access, it might be helpful for some less mobile members to know this ahead of time.

10am       Robert Woolfolk

                8444 Big Springs Rd.


                (take hwy 41 toward Manchester and 15 min from M'boro)

Note:  We have seen some really interesting shops on our tours ..... some really spacious others small but, all have a fascinating use of space.

Making sawdust,

Sam Clark, President SRWC

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Upcoming events

 This is a reminder that our meeting is scheduled for next Tuesday, 24 September 2024. We will meet at St. Marks United Methodist Church in our usual room; 1267 N. Rutherford Blvd. Murfreesboro, TN.  The doors open at 6 PM. From 6 to 6:30 is a good time for checking out the Show & Tell projects and asking questions from our Show & Tell members on how they do some of their woodworking. The meeting’s briefing will start at 6:30 PM.

Notes from our President, Sam Clark:

September 2024 President’s Letter

Good day fellow Woodies…..This summer has been a hot one slowing down club activities.  But rest assured we have a full schedule set for the remainder of the year!

Many of you have been asking about upcoming Shop Tours. 

Shop Tours:  Start Saturday September 28th and will run for the following (3) Saturdays (Oct 5th, 12th, and 19th).  Additional details will be announced at our Tuesday nightmeeting.  I will say that efforts have been made to ensure you see shops of all types from large spacious shops to small compact shops, all of these make excellent use of available space.   Ideas abound on how to set up your shop area for maximum use. 

Mark your calendar for Saturday Oct 26th as the club will have a booth at Canonsburg Harvest Day Festival.  Please come out and support the club and bring items to sell.  We are asking for a $5 donation to the club for those bringing items to sell in the booth.  You keep all the proceeds from anything you sell….it doesn’t get any simpler than that.  The Harvest Day Festival always has the best turnout.  Also, you are asked to help with set-up starting at 8am.

You heard the rumors of classes, and I am happy to report classes are set.  The Christmas “Snow Buddies “(miniature snow men) and “Gnome” classes had the greatest interest at prior meetings.   Tentatively, class dates are Oct 31stNov 1st and 2ndand the following week Nov 7th, 8thand 9th.  Each class is limited to (4) participants.  If we need to add another class, it will be the following week.  The class fee will be $25 to cover materials and lunch.  There will be a sign-up sheet at the meeting and if you are unable to attend this meeting the sign-up sheet will be available at the Oct. meeting.

Great news from Mary Nichols:  At last count SRWC has over 300 Facebook followers.  Great job Mary!!!


This club would not exist without the help of our volunteers.   2025 is just around the corner and our officers have served several years helping to keep the club active through COVID.  In the last (4) years our membership has almost doubled!  As 2025 nears many of our officers are ready to pass the torch.  Please consider volunteering for one of the open positions.  Current officers have volunteered to mentor interested members.  Shadowing a current officer is a great way to ease into a position.   If you would like to learn more about a particular office do not hesitate to ask the officer…. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.


There will be additional announcements at the meeting.

Making sawdust,

Sam Clark, President SRWC

This week’s presenter will be our Vice President, Gregg Peay. Gregg will be talking about Backyard Projects. This will be an interesting briefing, and you will want to take notes.

Lou Ferraro

SRWC Editor

You can fix the world when you are fixing things around your house. - Anon.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

July picnic July 27, 2024

 Good day Fellow Woodies,

Our July meeting/picnic is just a few days away and I wanted to remind you to look around your shop for anything you may like to bring to the auction.

We will not be having a speaker at this meeting. Instead, we will have an expanded Show & Tell. Please bring some of your creations to share with the group.

A final note on the picnic; the Club will furnish BBQ, drinks, and flatware. Please bring a side dish or dessert. 

I’ll see you on Saturday July 27th at 11 AM to 4 PM at St. Mark's Church. Set up will be from 11 to 12, and lunch will be served at Noon. For our new members, We will meet in our regular meeting room at St. Marks United Methodist Church; 1267 N. Rutherford Blvd. Murfreesboro, TN.

Sam Clark, President, 

Stones River Woodworkers Club