Stones River Woodworkers Club Members,
This is a note to remind you that our meeting is scheduled for next Tuesday, 22 October 2024. We will meet at St. Marks United Methodist Church in our usual room; 1267 N. Rutherford Blvd. Murfreesboro, TN. The doors open at 6 PM. From 6 to 6:30 is set aside for checking out the Show & Tell projects and asking questions from our Show & Tell members on how they do some of their woodworking. The meeting’s briefing will start at 6:30 PM.
Message from President Sam Clark
Good day fellow Woodies,
We have finished our 1st three Saturdays of Shop Tours, and we were treated to shops of all types. Large shops, small shops and various arrangements with a variety of configurations. I would like to thank all those who volunteered their shops for the membership.
The club has an event scheduled for every week from now until Thanksgiving. There is a lot of activity in the club, so be sure and bring your calendar to the meeting this Tuesday night.
See you at the meeting,
Sam Clark, President
Vice President Gregg Peay:
John Bell, a member of our Stones River Woodworkers Club, will be our speaker this month.
He is planning to talk about carving spoons.
Meeting Minutes from David Roesler,
Stones River Woodworkers Club Secretary
Stones River Woodworkers Meeting 9-24-24
President Sam Clark: Opened with Pledge of Allegiance, welcomed everyone, and made the following comments:
· Sam announced upcoming shop tours of eight shops beginning on September 28, with following dates of October 5, October 12, and October 19. Reminders will be sent by Lou Ferraro!
· Harvest days at Canonsburg is October 26, 8 AM set up and we will have a tent, bring your items you wish to sell. The club is asking a five-dollar donation if a member wants to sell their projects.
· Upcoming classes for snow buddies and gnomes will start on October 31, November 1, November 2, November 7, eighth, and ninth. They were before slots for each day and a fee of $25 which covers lunch and product.
· Facebook: we have 300 members!
· Good Shepherd’s children home Glenn Emery is managing this and requests that your project be no more than $30, and your finished project is requested by the November meeting. Glenn will have your project engraved and then display the projects at our next Christmas party.
· Christmas party: we need someone to be responsible to head this up and it will be on Friday, 13 December. The club will provide the meat and drinks, and it will be at St. Mark’s here where we have our meetings. Alex Marshall said he would organize the party!
· Annual dues: reminder $25 covers your family for the year!
· New officers for 2025-please step up and volunteer for the positions of Sec., vice president, president, treasurer, and newsletter editor. Those of you who volunteer for any of these positions can find position descriptions in our club bylaws plus the incumbents will mentor you and show you how to do the work of these positions so that you can be off to a good solid start.
· Fellowship meeting at Hardee’s is the first Tuesday of every month, 9 AM
Announcements/comments: (1) Steve announced that he has wrenches that were made on a 3-D printer that are excellent for tightening the nut on a belt sander that he described and passed around a number of wrenches for free. He also said he will make more for the next meeting since it was such a hit. (2) Robert Wolf said he has access to fresh cut lumber and is free; let him know. (3) Jeanne has some green Hackberry pieces and coping saw for anyone who would like them free.
Visitors: We had four visitors tonight
Show and Tell: Photos of presenters and their projects have been photographed and will appeared in a separate email by newsletter editor Lou Ferraro.
Guest Speaker: Ken Hodges presented a very interesting life story about his woodworking endeavors and long history of creating guitars.
Respectfully Submitted by
David Roesler,
See you at the meeting.
Lou Ferraro, Newsletter Editor
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